Road fund licences will be renewed online on your behalf.
Paper tax discs are no longer issued, instead your tax disc records are held on the DVLA database. If you have any questions please contact our Maintenance Control Department.
Test Certificate
It is an offence to operate a vehicle after three years without a current test certificate. Your company will be
reminded when a test is due, however it is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that the vehicle is submitted for test
at an approved testing station at the appropriate time. Though drivers are welcome to a photo-stat copy of the test
certificate, the original will be sent by the testing station directly to Sandicliffe Motor Contracts. Non maintained
vehicles must be tested as above and the MOT certificate posted by the operator to Sandicliffe Motor Contracts
immediately in order that replacement tax discs can be obtained where applicable and appropriate.
Fix Penalty Notices
It is the responsibility of the hirer to defray any and all fines imposed. Since vehicles are registered in the name of
Sandicliffe Motor Contracts, fixed penalty notices will be sent to this office. We will, in turn, supply to the authorities
any details they may require and in the event of any prosecutions arising from the hirer’s failure to pay any fines,
Sandicliffe Motor Contracts will seek reimbursement plus administration costs from the user. In the case of abuse of
this facility Sandicliffe Motor Contracts reserves the right to make a charge for handling fixed penalty notices.
Government Regulations
It is of paramount importance that attention is paid to any Government Legislation that is introduced from time to
time and it is your responsibility to ensure that it is complied with.
If you have any doubts as to the interpretation or meaning of legislation, please do not hesitate to contact us.